BriefIntroduction of Potato Research Laboratory of South China AgriculturalUniversity
Director: Professor Cao Xianwei
PotatoResearch Laboratory of South China Agricultural University was established inOctober, 2012. There are 9 researchers, with four of them having seniorprofessional titles. This Laboratory mainly focuses on the introducing andscreening of specialized and new potato varieties suitable for winter-potatoplanting regions in Guangdong Province, and the studies, integration, andextension and application of high-yield, high-quality cultivation techniquesrelated to new potato varieties. During the past four years, fourprovince-level and ministry-level or above research projects were undertaken,nine papers were published in professional journals, and two works on winterpotato were edited and issued; This laboratory obtained one first provincialachievement award and one second ministry achievement award as the projecthead, introduced and screened 3 newpotato varieties being examined and approved by Guangdong ProvincialAgricultural Varieties Committee, and gained one computer software copyrightregistration certificate.