China Agriculture (Litchi and Longan)Research System (CARS)
Director: Chen Houbin
ChinaAgriculture (Litchi and Longan) Research System (CARS) was initiated in 2009.It is consisted of the Research and Development Center for Litchi and Longantechonolgy, and Experimental Stations. There are three Laboratories ofBreeding, Cultivation and Plant Protection, and Comprehensive Technology in thecenter. Sixteen scientists are employed for studies in germplasm, breeding,soil-fertilization-water management, pest and disease control, flower and fruitphysiology and their management, machinery, post-harvest and processingtechnology, and economics. The center is responsible mainly for the industryorientated applied research, technology innovation and demonstration and thepolicy studies for litchi and longan development. Twelve experimental stationsare located in 6 south China provinces and they are in charge of the technologyintegration, trials, demonstration and promotion, training of the growers andthe technology service people, and the industry-related investigations.