TheResearch Team of Horticultural Products Postharvest Biology and QualityMaintenance Technology
Group Members: Prof. Wu Zhenxian, Prof. Li Xueping,Prof. Zhu Shijiang, Prof. Chen Weixin, Dr. Zhu Xiaoyang, Dr. Luo Tao, Ms. LiJun
Theresearch of this group mainly focuses on: Physiological mechanism of qualityformation and postharvest quality deterioration of main horticultural producesproduced in South China, such as the mechanism of postharvest changes in color,flavor, texture, energy metabolism, maturation and senescence; the occurrenceconditions and pattern, and comprehensive control measures of postharvestpathogenic disease and physiological disorders; the combination of pre- andpost- harvest technologies to enhance storability; determination of key technical parameters inharvest and postharvest processing; evaluation system of postharvest quality;research and development of postharvest technology, green and safe chemicalsfor postharvest treatment, and packaging materials for different logisticalpatterns.
Main Funded Projects:
ChinaAgricultural Research Systems of Litchi and Longan (CARS-33-14)
ChinaAgricultural Research Systems of Banana (CARS-32-09)
Effectand mechanism analysis in ETR gene and interacting protein in ripening disorderof papaya fruit funded by National Science Foundation of China (31372112)
Pineappleindustry technology research and demonstration/Postharvest handling technologydevelopment and cold-chain logistical system establishment and demonstrationfunded by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest fromChina Ministry of Agriculture (201203021)
Researchand extension demonstration of key control measures for pineapple blackheartfunded by Guangdong Province Science and Technology Plan Project((2016A020210077).
Selected Publications:
Zou,Y., Zhang, L., Rao, S., Zhu, X., Ye, L., Chen, W., & Li, X*., TheRelationship between the Expression of Ethylene-Related Genes and Papaya FruitRipening Disorder Caused by Chilling Injury, PloS one, 2014, 9(12): e116002
Wu,B., Guo, Q., Li, Q., Ha, Y., Li, X*., & Chen, W*., Impact of postharvestnitric oxide treatment on antioxidant enzymes and related genes in banana fruitin response to chilling tolerance., Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2014,92: 157-163
ShuaiL., Li J., Wu Z.X*., Han D.M, Cloning of fructokinase gene from longan fruitand bioinformatics analysis, Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 117-124
ZHU,X., LI, X., ZOU, Y., CHEN, W*., & LU, W., Cloning, characterization andexpression analysis of Δ 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) gene in harvested papaya (Carica papaya) fruit under temperaturestress., Food research international 2012 49: 272-279
Liu JZ, He C.C, ShenF, Zhang KL, Zhu SJ. The crown plays animportant role in maintaining quality of harvested pineapple. PostharvestBiology and Technology 2017,124:18-24
Liu Y,F,, Yang X,X., Zhu S.J.., Wang Y.Q. Postharvest application ofMeJA and NO reduced chilling injury in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) through inhibition of H2O2 accumulation. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2016, 119:78-83
Zhang Q., Liu YL, He CC, Zhu SJ.. Postharvest exogenous application of abscisic acid reducesinternal browning in pineapple. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63 (22), 5313–5320
Wang Y.Q., Zhang L.J., Zhu S.J.. 1-methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)-induced protein expression associated with changes in Tsai Tai (Brassica chinensis) leaves during low temperature storage. PostharvestBiology and Technology 2014,87:120–125.
Zhang L.J., Wang G., Zhang F.M., Zhu S.J.. Soaking seeds in methyljasmonate or benzothiadiazole induces resistance to an insect pest and stemdecay in Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis. Journal of HorticulturalScience & Biotechnology 2013, 88(6):715-720
Gong D.Q., Zhu S.J., Gu H.,Zhang L.B., Hong K.Q. , Xie J.H. Disease resistance of ‘Zill’ and ‘Keitt’ mangofruit to anthracnose inrelation to defence enzyme activities and the content ofanti-fungal substances. Journal ofHorticultural Science & Biotechnology 2013, 88(3): 243–250
Lin J.H., Gong D.Q., Zhu S.J., Zhang L.B. Expression of PPO and PODgenes and contents of polyphenolic compounds in harvested mango fruits inrelation to Benzothiadiazole-induced defense against anthracnose. ScientiaHorticulturae 2011,130:85-89
Zhu XF, Wang AP, Zhu S.J., Zhang LB. Expression of ACO1, ERS1 and ERF1genes in harvested bananas in relation to heat-induced defense against Colletotrichum musae. Journalof Plant Physiology 2011,168:1634-1640
Zhang L-B, Wang G. , Chang J-M , LiuJ-S , Cai J-H , Rao X-W, Zhang L-J, Zhong J-J,Xie J-H, Zhu S-J.. Effects of1-MCP and ethylene on expression of three CAD genes and lignification in stems of harvested Tsai Tai (Brassica chinensis).Food Chemistry 2010,123:32-40
Tang W.L., ZhuS.J., Li L.L., Liu D.J., Irving D.E. Differential expressions of PR1 andchitinase genes in harvested bananas during ripening, and in response toethephon, benzothiadizole and methyl jasmonate. Postharvest Biology andTechnology 2010, 57 : 86–91
Ma B-C, Tang W-L, MaL-Y, Li L-L, Zhang L-B, Zhu S-J,Zhuang C-X, Irving D.The role of chitinase gene expression in the defense of harvested bananaagainst anthracnose disease. Journalof American Society for Horticultural Science 2009, 134(3): 379-386
Zhu S.J., Ma B.C..Benzothiadiazole- or methyl jasmonate-induced resistance to Colletotrichum musae in harvested bananafruit is related to elevated defense enzyme activities. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 2007,82(4):500-506
Brodersen P.,PetersenM.,Bjørn N. H.,Zhu S.J., Newman M.-A.,Shokat K. M,Rietz S., Parker J.,Mundy J. Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 regulates salicylic acid- and jasmonicacid/ethylene-dependent responses via EDS1 and PAD4. The Plant Journal 2006,47(4):532-546
Andreasson E., JenkinsT., ,Brodersen P., Thorgrimsen S., Petersen N., Zhu S.J.,Qiu J-L, Michelsen P., Rocher A.,Petersen M, Newman MA, Nielsen HB, Hirt H., Somssich I.,. Mattsson O., Mundy J.The MAP kinase substrate MKS1 is a regulator of plant defense responses. The EMBO Journal 2005, 24(14),2579-2589
Research Achivement:
Keytechnology innovation and application of litchi high efficient production,National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, 2014
Engineeringtechnology research and application of postharvest Science of Fruit andVegetables, National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, 2001
Litchihigh efficient and safety production theory and key technology system’sresearch and industrialization application. Science and Technology ProgressPrize in Guangdong Province the First Prize, 2012
Researchand application of litchi and longan cold treatment and export technology.Science and Technology Progress Prize in Guangdong Province the Second Prize,2007
Applicationand extension of green and environment-friendly postharvest techniques for Guangdongcharacteristic vegetables, awarded second prize for extension ofagro-technology in Guangdong Province in 2014