The Research Group ofVegetable Metabolic Engineering and Developmental Biology
Leader: Zhao Hongbo
Members: Cao Xianwei, Chai Xirong,Chen Lin, Kang Yunyan, Zhao Puyan, Zhao Hongbo
Research focus:
Wecombine molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, metabolomics,transcriptomics, and computational approaches to investigate the basicmetabolic principles of carbohydrates and special secondary metabolites invegetables. Additionally, we also focus on the developmental biology invegetables. To clarify how stem cells are precisely planned and cross-linked tothe environmental signals (circadian clock, heat and humidity), and appliedthem to vegetable industry.
MainSci Publications in Recent Three Years:
1. WeiHB, Zhao HB et al. Dissecting thetranscriptional regulatory pathway of fructan 1-exohydrolases in chicory (Cichorium intybus): two R2R3-MYBtranscription factors modulate abiotic stress and hormone connections. 2016.(Revised)
2. WeiHB, Bausewein A, Steiniger H, Su T, ZhaoHB et al. Linking the expression of fructan active enzymes, cell wallinvertase isoforms and sucrose transporter isoforms at whole plant level withfructan profiles in growing taproot of chicory (Cichorium intybus): Impact of hormonal and environmental cues.Front Plant Sci. 2016. (Online)
3. SuT, Wolf S, Han M, Zhao HB et al.Reassessment of an Arabidopsis cellwall invertase inhibitor AtCIF1 reveals its role in seed germination and earlyseedling growth. Plant Mol Biol. 2016, 90:137-55
4. Chen L, Guo XP et al. Tetrasomicinheritance pattern of the pentaploid Solanumchacoense (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrid (resistant to bacterial wilt) revealed by SSR detected alleles.Plant Cell Tiss Org. 2016, doi:10.1007/s11240-016-1051-0
5. ZhouJ, Fang H, Shan JW, Gao XX, Chen L et al. A major QTL located on chromosome V associates with in vitrotuberization in a tetraploid potato population. Mol Genet Genomics. 2016,doi:10.1007/s00438-014-0832-6
6. Zhao HB, Xu LF et al. Melatoninregulates carbohydrate metabolism and defenses against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Pineal Res.2015, 59:109-119
7. Zhao HB, Su T et al. Unveiling themechanism of melatonin impacts on maize seedlings growth: Sucrose metabolism asa case. J Pineal Res. 2015, 59:255-266
8. Zhao HB. Fructan exohydrolases in corn– search for functions. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg.Germany.2014
9. LiuD, Leib K, Zhao P et al. The barleynegative defense regulators HvWRKY1 and -2 are pathogen and wounding responsiveand repress the promoter activity of the pathogen-inducible gene HvGER4c. Mol GenetGenomics. 2014, 289(6),1331-1345
10. Chen L, Guo XP et al. Nuclear andcytoplasmic genome components of Solanumtuberosum + S. chacoense somatichybrids and three SSR alleles related to bacterial wilt resistance. Theor ApplGenet. 2013, 126:1861-1872
1. CaoXianwei. 2009-2010. Ministry of Agriculture. Modern Agricultural IndustryTechnology System of Potato (Special National Potato Industry Technology Systemof Huizhou Comprehensive Experimental Station)
2. CaoXianwei. 2011-2015. Ministry of Agriculture. Modern Agricultural IndustryTechnology System of Potato (Guangzhou Comprehensive Experimental StationNational Potato Industry Technology System)
3. CaoXianwei. 2014.02-2017.01. Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou,China. The Integration of Xinjiang Shufu County Special Type of New PotatoVarieties and Screening of the High Quality and High Yield Production
4. ChenLin. 2016.01-2018.12. National Natural Science Foundation of China.Transcriptomics and Metabolomics-based Analysis of Potato Cold ResistancePathways to Approach the Resistance Mechanism.
5. ZhaoHongbo. 2016-2021. Talent Support in South China Agricultural University.
6. ZhaoHongbo. 2009-2014. Germany DFG and 3rd Industry Funded Project. Seed Fillingin Maize.
7. ZhaoHongbo. 2011-2014. 3rd Industry Funded Project. Engineering of PlantFructan Metabolism.
8. ZhaoHongbo. 2011-2014. HD-Excellent Cluster. Sugar Metabolism Related Mutantsin Arabidopsis thaliana.
9. ZhaoPuyan. 2013-2015. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Isolationand Identification of Tomato Matrix Metalloproteinase (Sl-MMPs) Gene Family andIts Functions in Tomato Resistance to Bacterial Wilt.
10. Zhao Puyan. 2012-2014. Natural Science Foundation of GuangdongProvince. Cloning of Matrix Metalloproteinase Genes and Its Function inResistance to Bacterial Wilt.
11. Zhao Puyan. 2015-2017. National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. Mechanism of Ammonium Transporter Gene (AMT) regulating nitrateaccumulation in Brassica.
12. Zhao Puyan. 2013-2016. Pearl River New Star in Guangzhou. TheSignal and Molecular Mechanism of Ammonium Nitrogen Decrease Nitrate Content inFlowering Chinese Cabbage.
1. CaoXianwei. 2013. The First Prize of Guangdong Province AgriculturalTechnology Extension Award and the Second Prize of National Agriculture andAnimal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest Award of Ministry of Agriculture. KeyTechnology and Application Integration of High Yield, Good Quality and HighEfficiency Cultivation of Guangdong Winter Potato.
2. Zhang Xinming, Cao Xianwei, Chen Hong, Feng. 2013. The People's Republic of ChinaState Copyright Bureau Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate.Guangdong Winter Potato Nutrient Resource Management Expert System.