As a volunteer, you will enjoy the fulfillment of giving to your community and helping a worthy cause but you can also get valuable experience - experience that can escort you to your new job. The challenge is finding the volunteer position that is right for you. There are a vast number of volunteer opportunities so the key is to research carefully and astutely select the one that best meets your interests and needs. Don't be afraid to ask questions before making a commitment. What are the benefits of volunteering? There are many benefits in your situation, including:
Ideal opportunity to gain information and exposure to different jobs in varying fields and work settings
Learn or develop strengths and skills (communication, teamwork, time management, positive attitude, initiative)
Although you're not paid, it qualifies as work experience
Meet new people, extend your network, and make valuable contacts
Build self-confidence and feel valued
Enjoy the satisfaction of making a difference
Provide you with additional sources of positive work references